Hi there, it has been a while since I last posted to this blog, the last time I posted here was back in 2023 but I am here to let you all know where on earth we have been.
First of all where the heck we have been. We have been hard at work on some fun projects mostly giving Ellie even more fun features for more details you can check out our patchnotes site as well as making our docs site even better.
On the topic of the docs it has had a massive overhaul with new guides as well as an easy to follow guide on how to make your own marmalade module.
We have also overhauled the Discord server to make it easier to find information.
On where I personally have been, I have been studying full time and working on Ellie when I have spare time.
Thanks for reading this update on what we have been up to all this time.
Till next time,